MedPlus on line pharmacy/Medicine and general store app. Using our MedPlus App you can order the products you regularly buy from our stores from the convenience of home and pick them up from a MedPlus store near you. To start shopping, simply search for the products you wish to buy, choose the quantity and place the order. We will inform you when the medicines are ready for pick up. All orders are filled within 6 hrs during the regular business hours and on the next day for evening or weekend orders.
Key Features
- Convenience at Finger tips – Very easy to use app using which you can order medicines and general products conveniently.
- 15% Off - Get 15% off on all medicines when you buy it from app.
- Drug information database – Get complete drug information with a huge database
- Delivery options – You can either pick the order from our stores or can opt for home delivery.
- Store Locator – You can locate a store near you across India
- Availability Check – Check the availability of the medicines at the MedPlus store in your vicinity
- Upload Prescription – Scan a prescription and upload it for a quick medicine order.
- Order History – Get a complete history of your previous orders and invoices.
- Wish-list – Add products to the wish-list and get a quick access to order the same.
- Pill Reminder – Don't miss to take your pills get a reminder from the app.
- Complaints – Get all your complaints related to the orders reviewed and resolved.
- Health Records – Store your health records (Prescriptions, Lab Test Reports etc.) for future references.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>